

Why Are These Needed Changes?

These changes will help those of us on supplemental oxygen get the oxygen we need! 

Portable Oxygen Concentrator settings are arbitrary numbers with no relationship to LPM which are used to indicate the amount of oxygen prescribed creates a great deal of confusion to all involved with supplemental oxygen.  That confusion often leads those with the prescription being sold a poc that does not meet their oxygen needs.  Their health and quality of life suffer and may lead to a premature death.

Liquid Oxygen is hard to come by because of Medicare policies that were encouraged by Congress.  Congress wanted Medicare to cut supplemental oxygen costs and it was done by paying DMEs enough to supply concentrators but almost impossible to supply liquid oxygen.  I use a home an EverFlo home concentrator and UltraFill System for tanks and it works fine for me at home but does not supply the oxygen for me to do activities that make me healthier and give me a higher quality of life which leads to hospitalizations and death.  Liquid oxygen allows me to stay active, healthier and have a higher quality of life.

Sp02 levels of 88% to 92% are very limiting and lead to confusion and fear.  A lot of research shows that people with COPD in a respiratory crisis or exasperation are less likely to die if their sp02 is kept between 88% and 92%.  I don’t know of any research that shows all people with COPD should do the same.  One study shows a sp02  of 93% to 96% saves lives.

When Medicare put new payment policies in place back in the 1990s and 2006 they were based on saving money, not providing good care to those with respiratory problems which leads to a lower quality of life, more medical expenses and an early death.

When we are able to get the supplemental oxygen we need we are able to be more active and healthier with a higher quality of life while lowering healthcare costs, saving Medicare $$$. 


Your lungs and exercise

When you exercise and your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide. To cope with this extra demand, your breathing has to increase from about 15 times a minute (12 litres of air) when you are resting, up to about 40–60 times a minute (100 litres of air) during exercise. Your circulation also speeds up to take the oxygen to the muscles so that they can keep moving.  

From https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4818249/


Portable Oxygen Concentrators (POCs)

by Chris Garvey FNP, MSN, MPA, MAACVPR

 Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) offer many advantages for persons needing oxygen. Like most technology, understanding a device’s use and limitations is essential for effectiveness and safety. Manufacturers may not uniformly provide detailed device information which may limit both informed clinician prescribing and user knowledge and preparedness. Below are considerations that may help prospective and current users get the most out of POCs. The following information is not a substitute for your provider’s care and recommendations.

From https://www.thoracic.org/patients/patient-resources/resources/portable-concentrators-garvey.pdf





These are my thoughts and experiences, not medical advice.

Gerald(Skip) Miller

Contact   hors.sens1@gmail.com
Copyright © 2022 Gerald Miller. All Rights Reserved.